We all know from the population of
100+ crores only a one lucky person becomes a ‘Prime Minister’. Why it happens?
What are the reasons behind this? Who will become the ‘Prime Minister’? What
abilities required being a Prime Minister? Everybody wants to know should I be
the next ‘Prime Minister’? Let’s have an astrological tour to know the facts
about to become a ‘Prime Minister’ or ‘President’, a highest post of the

To know about this logic we should
know some basic rules of astrology. We all know the importance of Ascendant in
a birth chart. Ascendant reflects our courage, our ruling power, our body,
mind, soul, our jurisdiction, our ability & ability to direct. But is alone
ascendant can make a person powerful. Is it a single key to become the most
powerful man of the nation? No, alone ascendant cannot make a person so
powerful. Then what is the reason behind this? The reason or logic behind this
is that an alone ascendant is nothing, the other two ascendants (Sun &
Moon) will have to contribute or play their role to fulfil the task. There is
one and only one astrological rule plays vital role in it and that is: “When a
planet aspect or placed in its own house/sign, that house becomes most
powerful”. If we apply this rule on all the three ascendants we’ll come to the
conclusion. No, I am not denying the other “Raj-Yoga’s” in the birth chart, but
you will see what I am saying is applicable on most of the charts in majority
who have become a Prime Minister or President in the past. Rest of the job is
done by the Mahadasha and its sub periods but only when the above said rule
applies on all the three ascendants or at least two of them.
a) Dasha Rule: Dasha/Antara/Pratyantra Lords must be signifying 1-2-6-10-11 houses, either one two or all.
1. Pt. Jawahar
Lal Nehru (14th Nov, 1889)
a) Moon is
placed in ascendant in its own sign cancer.
b) Sun is
placed in Scorpio and its lord Mars is placed in 11th house from the
same thus having no influence.
So, here
two out of three ascendants are having influence of their own lords.
Mahadasha on 15.08.1947 was running of Moon who is signifying 1st house.
Antara was running of Venus who is signifying 11th house.
Pratyantara was running of Mercury who is again signifying 11th house.
2. Sh. Lal
Bahadur Shastri (9th Oct, 1904)
a) Ascendant
lord Jupiter is placed in 5th house from it and having its ninth
aspect on the ascendant.
b) Sun and Moon both are placed in Virgo with its
lord Mercury.
Here all
the three ascendants are having influence of their own lords.
Mahadasha on 9.06.1964 was Saturn who signify 2,10 house.
Antara was of Jupiter, who signify 1 house.
Pratyantra was of Moon who signify 10 house.
3. Smt. Indira
Gandhi (19th Nov, 1917)
a) Ascendant
lord Moon is placed in 7th house and having direct aspect on
b) Sun is placed
in Scorpio and its lord Mars is posited in 10th house from the same
and having fourth aspect on it.
c) Moon is in
Capricorn and its lord Saturn is placed in ascendant and having its direct
aspect on it.
Here all
the three ascendants are having influence of their own lords.
Mahadasha on 24.01.1966 was of Jupiter who signify 1, 10 houses.
Antara was of Sun who signify 2nd house.
Pratyantra was of Ketu who signify 11th house.
4. Sh. Rajiv
Gandhi (20th Aug, 1944)
a) Here in
this chart all the three ascendants are same that is Leo and the lord Sun
placed in its own sign.
b) Mahadasha/Antara/Pratyantra on 31.10.1984 was Rahu/Jupiter/Mercury respectively who signifies 1-2-6-10-11 houses.
5. Sh. PV
Narasimha Rao (28th June, 1921)
a) Ascendant
lord Mercury is placed in 10th house having square influence on the
b) Sun is
placed in Gemini with its own lord Mercury.
c) Moon in
Pisces and its lord Jupiter is having no influence on it.
Here two
out of three ascendants are having influence of their own lords.
Mahadasha/Antara/Pratyantra on 21.06.1991 was of Mars/Mars/Saturn who signifies 1-2-6-10 houses respectively.
6. Dr Manmohan
Singh (26th Sept, 1932)
a) Ascendant
lord Jupiter is placed in 9th house having its fifth aspect on
b) Sun in
Virgo with its own lord Mercury.
c) Moon is
placed in own sign cancer.
Here all
the three ascendants are having influence of their own lords respectively.
Mahadasha/Antara/Pratyantra on 22.05.2004 was of Rahu/Mercury/Mercury who signifies 1-2-6 houses respectively.
7. Sh. Gulzari
Lal Nanda (4th July, 1898)
a) Ascendant
lord Mars is placed in ascendant.
b) Sun in
Gemini with its own lord Mercury.
c) Moon in
Sagittarius and its lord Jupiter is placed in 10th house from the
same and having square influence on it.
Here also
all the three ascendants are in influence of their own lords.
Mahadasha/Antara/Pratyantra on 27.05.1964 was of Jupiter/Moon/Venus who signifies 2-6-10 houses respectively.
8. Mr Bill
Clinton (19th Aug, 1946)
a) Ascendant
lord Moon is placed in 10th house having square influence on
b) Sun is
placed in own sign Leo.
c) Moon in
Aries and its lord Mars is placed in 6th from the same and having its
eighth aspect on it.
Here all
the three ascendants are having influence of their own lords.
Mahadasha/Antara/Pratyantra on Jan 1993 was of Jupiter/Jupiter/Rahu who signifies 6-10-11 houses respectively.
9. Mr J. F.
Kennedy (29th May, 1917)
a) Ascendant
lord Mercury have no influence on ascendant.
b) Sun is
placed in Taurus with its own lord Venus.
c) Moon is
placed in Leo and its lord Sun is having square influence on Leo.
Here again
two out of three ascendants are having influence of their own lords.
Mahadasha/Antara/Pratyantra on 20.01.1961 was of Rahu/Mars/Saturn who signifies 2-6-10 houses respectively.
Mrs Sheikh
Hasina Wajed (28th Sept 1946)
a) Ascendant
is Scorpio and its lord Mars have no influence on it.
b) Sun is
placed in Virgo with Mercury.
c) Moon is
placed in Libra with Venus.
Again two
out of three ascendants having influence of their own lords.
Mahadasha/Antara/Pratyantra on 06.01.2009 was of Ketu/Moon/Jupiter who signifies 1-2-11 houses respectively.
Mr Mikhael
Gorbachev (2nd Mar, 1931)
a) Ascendant lord
Moon is placed in ascendant.
b) Sun is
placed in Aquarius and having 3rd aspect of Saturn.
All three
ascendants are having influence of their own lords.
Mahadasha/Antara/Pratyantra on 15.03.1990 was of Mars/Saturn/Sun who signifies 1-6-10-11 houses respectively.
So, all the above charts shows that
all the three ascendants are having either influence, aspect or placement in
their own signs which makes ascendant more powerful and we all know their
result. The above said all the famous personalities become undoubtedly the most
powerful man of their respective nations.
Now let’s check the charts of
strong candidates for the most respectful seat.
1. Mr Rahul
Gandhi (19th June, 1970)
a) Ascendant
is Gemini and its lord Mercury is placed in 12th house so no help to
b) Sun is placed in Gemini whose lord is again
Mercury, so no help here.
c) Moon is placed
in Scorpio and its lord Mars is posited in 8th house from it, so
here again no help to Moon.
according to above chart there is no chance for Mr Rahul Gandhi to become
India’s Prime Minister.
2. Mr LK
Advani (8th Nov, 1927)
a) Ascendant
is Scorpio and its lord Mars is placed in 12th house from it so
there is no help from Mars.
b) Sun is placed
in Libra and its lord Venus is again placed 12th from it so there is
no help of Venus.
c) Moon is placed
in Aries and its lord Mars is in 7th house from it having direct
aspect on its own Moon sign.
So, only one
out of three ascendants is favourable, so not a favourable condition.
3. Smt.
Mayawati (15th Jan, 1956)
a) Ascendant
is Leo and its lord Sun is placed in 6th house from it so no help to
b) Sun and
Moon both are placed in Capricorn and its lord Saturn is having its 3rd
aspect on both as well as on its own sign.
Here two
out of three ascendants are having favourable condition.
So, here
Mayawati is very strong contender of Prime Minister’s Post. There is a very
strong possibility for her to become India’s Prime Minister.
4. Mrs
Priyanka Gandhi (12th Jan, 1972)
a) Ascendant is
Gemini and its lord Mercury is placed in 7th house and having direct
aspect on ascendant.
b) Sun is placed
in Sagittarius with its lord Jupiter.
c) Moon is placed
in Scorpio and its lord Mars is in 5th house from it, so no
influence on Moon and its own sign.
So, here
two out of three ascendants are in favourable condition. Thus Priyanka Gandhi
is very strong contender and can become India’s Prime Minister.
As we have seen that how ascendant’s
become more powerful when they are influenced by their own lords respectively,
but one should keep in mind that dasha and transit should also be favourable
only then the promise given in chart is fulfilled.
Chetan Sud (Astrologer & Research Scholar)
Call: +91-98883-64014.