Monday, April 16, 2012

Will I Marry whom I Love?

Will I Marry Whom I Love?
A young girl in love with a boy desires to know if her romantic ventures would lead her to the aromatic atmosphere of a marriage ceremony. She furnishes No. 37 for analysis by Krishnamurthy Padhdhati.
This question is answered at Ludhiana (Punjab) India, Lat. 30:56 N, Long. 75:52 E, on 16th Apr, 2012 at 00:22:51 hours I.S.T.
Following is the cusp chart of that time.
Cusp Chart

Planetary Position is as follows:
Planet        Sign           Degrees              RL     SL     SUB   SSL
Sun           Aries          02:09:53              Ma    Ke     Ve     Ju
Moon        Aquarius     00:18:27              Sa     Ma    Me    Ke
Mars         Leo            09:39:55              Su     Ke     Sa     Sa
Mercury     Pisces         04:57:50              Ju      Sa     Sa     Ra
Jupiter       Aries          22:37:02              Ma    Ve     Sa     Ke
Venus        Taurus       16:22:48              Ve     Mo    Sa     Ke
Saturn®     Libra          02:08:43              Ve     Ma    Ke     Mo
Rahu          Scorpio      11:50:20              Ma    Sa     Mo    Ke
Ketu          Taurus       11:50:20              Ve     Mo    Ma    Mo

Cusp Position is as follows:
Cusp          Sign           Degrees              RL     SL     SUB   SSL
1               Taurus       22:40:00              Ve     Mo    Su     Su
2               Gemini       15:55:39             Me    Ra     Ve     Ma
3               Cancer       08:45:12              Mo    Sa     Ve     Mo
4               Leo            04:48:20              Su     Ke     Ma    Ma
5               Virgo         07:08:05              Me    Su     Ke     Ve
6               Libra          15:20:09              Ve     Ra     Ve     Ve
7               Scorpio      22:40:00              Ma    Me    Mo    Ju
8               Sagittarius   15:55:39             Ju      Ve     Su     Sa
9               Capricorn   08:45:12              Sa     Su     Ve     Ra
10             Aquarius     04:48:20              Sa     Ma    Ve     Ke
11             Pisces         07:08:05              Ju      Sa     Me    Sa
12             Aries          15:20:09              Ma    Ve     Ve     Me   

 Planets               Houses they Signify in order of strength
Sun                   12-1-6-11-4
Moon                4-10-7-12-2-5-9-3
Mars                  12-5-9-10-4-7-12
Mercury             5-9-10-10-2-5
Jupiter                12-5-1-6-9-10-12-8-11
Venus                9-5-3-9-10-12-1-6
Saturn                4-12-7-12-5-9-10
Rahu                 5-9-9-10-3-6
Ketu                  9-4-3-7-12

Ruling Planets: Lord of day: Moon
Lord of Moon Star: Mars
Lord of Moon Sign: Saturn
Lord of ascendant: Venus/ketu
Lord of star of ascendant: Moon

ANALYSIS: At the time of query Moon is in 9th house and in star of Mars and sub of Mercury who strongly signifies 7th and 5th house respectively shows that the question relates to marriage and love affair.

Houses 2-7-11 stands for marriage. Since the question relates to marriage examine the sub lord of the 7th cusp. Moon itself is the sub lord of 7th cusp who strongly signifies the 7th, 2nd and 5th house. So, without any doubt we can say that the marriage will take place.

Now the question is when will the marriage will take place. To find this we’ll have to see the dasha.

Current Mahadasha is of Mars valid up to 18.08.2015

Antara of Saturn is ended on 16.04.2012

Next antara of Mercury but mercury is not in ruling planets.

After Mercury the next antara is of Ketu who is in ruling planet and also signify 7th house. Ketu’s antara is valid from 14.02.2013 to 12.07.2013 so, marriage can take place in ketu’s antara.

Now the first pratyantra is of itself ketu up to 21.02.2013 positive for marriage.

Now the Prana dasha in ketu as follows:

1st Prana dasha is of itself ketu up to 13.02.2013 positive for marriage.

2nd Prana dasha is of Venus and Sun up to 15.02.2013 both are not in ruling planets.

3rd Prana dasha is of Moon up to 16.02.2013 strongly favours marriage.

So, finally marriage can take place on 13th Feb, 2013 or 16th Feb, 2013.
Let’s see what future tells, till then wait and watch. 


  1. कुछ हमारा भी कल्याण करो सूद साहब ।
